Intimacy Coordinator for Film & Television

Whether your production has scenes dealing with nudity, simulated sex, intimate scenes, and any other area of vulnerability, having an Intimacy Coordinator provides the actor(s) with a safe and brave environment.

An Intimacy Coordinator safeguards the performer’s environment - both on-camera and behind the scenes - while maintaining the project’s creative vision for film and television.

In order to ensure scenes are filmed smoothly, an intimacy coordinator offers the following:

  • Facilitate conversation between the actors and director about their level of confidence, and comfort with the intimate parts of the scene

  • Prepare and support the actors emotionally for intimate scenes, support throughout the process, and ensure support continues after the scene is complete

  • Understanding actor’s boundaries, and making sure boundaries are not crossed, emotionally and physically, throughout filming

  • Provide a safe and confident environment for the actors to flourish

  • Make sure SAG-AFTRA nudity guidelines are followed and a closed set protocol is in place

  • Choreograph of intimate or simulated sex scenes, when requested by the director

  • Coordinate with other departments to ensure actors’ safety and boundaries are in place

  • Available to potential cast members to discuss nudity and/or simulated sex scenes during the audition process

“Being an Intimacy Coordinator for Film & TV, I am proud to support the actors at their most vulnerable workplace moment.”

To Ensure A Consensual Environment…

The actor’s safety during vulnerable scenes is a key part of the process. Ideally, an intimacy coordinator should be hired during the audition process. During pre-production, discussions take place in private with each actor involved in the intimate scene(s). This allows for a candid, private discussion to determine boundaries. Also, it is important to work with the director to understand and support their vision for each scene. Having these discussions allows for a dialogue between all parties and everyone can feel confident about their work. While filming, the intimacy coordinator is present to safeguard and support the process.